Posts Tagged ‘virtual’

Virtual Conferencing is Coming

July 23, 2013

The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education begins tomorrow.

There is a trend in conferencing coming that is unstoppable.  That trend is virtual conferencing.  I don’t mean virtual conferencing with Skype like services, where you see a video of someone talking and a set of Power Point presentations on some media board.  I mean the replacement of physical conferences.

We’ve talked about it for the last five years – virtual worlds are ever present and they are going to be replacing live events.  Well, we are being hit at a less transcendental level — our pocket book, and even more defining — policy. It’s simply too expensive to travel to conferences in Orlando, Washington DC, New York, San Diego.  It costs our companies far too much money to send several people.  It costs an enormous amount of money to house the folks who attend conferences and even more to feed them all.

If cost isn’t enough to not sign every requisition that passes your desk, the Department of Defense is simply telling people “you can’t go”.  You need papal dispensation to even go to a conference across the street from your facility.  And, you’ll likely be on a furlough anyway that day, so if you do go on your own, it’s now going to cost YOU money to go to the conference. The Department of Defense is a big employer in the USA.  Do you think that policy will extend to your organization?  Yup.

So, the solution that we’ve all been talking about is staring us right in the face.  We can recreate the physical experience of going to a conference in a virtual environment. In a virtual environment you can place all sorts of 3D objects in the environment.  If you can place a 3D object in the environment, chances are people are going to know what to do with it.  If they touch it, slide it, bounce it, move it around, it’ll likely do something that will make them think about why that is happening.  If they look at something, anyone in the environment standing by them can look at what they are looking at, and suddenly, you know what someone is paying attention to.

This kind of interaction is exactly what it’s like to attend a conference in a physical location.  Sure you can’t eat the local food, or meet a couple of new people in a bar to talk about the conference, but you can bring your own food to your computer, and still meet new people in a bar and talk to them about the conference.  There is no compromising here really.  The argument that face to face is extremely important just isn’t that important anymore.  1/3 of relationships have started on-line.  Virtual schooling is soaring.  Collaborative work across virtual environments is becoming the norm.

You can do lots of things in front of your computer that you can’t do in the physical world in a room full of people during a presentation.  You can’t watch a video, or chat rapidly (well, you can Tweet with your thumbs), or you can’t ALT TAB and open several windows at the same time and reference your little heart away, looking at things someone is talking about.  You can’t run a program demo, or group up with five other people to back chat.  But, you can do that in a virtual world. And even way more!

I guess, I’m going on about something everyone knows.  But, the point is virtual conferencing is coming, and innovation is going to be happening even more than we originally suggested.  The question becomes how do you now make a conferencing interesting.  How do you make it more than just sitting your avatar in a chair and listening to a Power Point presentation.

It is now incumbent upon the presenters and the conference organizations to  figure out how to engage the avatar, transform virtual world learning and begin to define, mold and support virtuality.  Here’s a start

I’m ready to dig in and take it way beyond our imagination.  How about you?  Attend the virtual worlds best practices in education and start thinking about it hard.

See you there.  And at your next conference too.  Call me!

Where is Virtuality?

October 23, 2012

If you have a device, you are virtual.
If you use twitter, you are virtual.
If you play games, you are virtual.
If you use augmented reality, you are virtual.
If you text constantly, you are virtual.
If you have a Facebook page, you are virtual.
If you Google your facts, you are virtual.
If you upload your creativity, you are virtual.
If you use a virtual world, you are virtual.
If you have an avatar, you are virtual.
And all of this is reality.

Welcome to 2b3d 3D Learning Blog Time

January 24, 2010

Welcome to 2b3d 3D Learning Blog Tour

Welcome to the 3D Learning Blog Stop at 2b3d. We’re proud to host the Blog Tour for this amazing book. There has never been an event like this before, and it is showing a new way of marketing and community that incorporates the virtual world and the textual world of blogging.

3D virtual learning is about the experience. When you take your first class in a virtual world, you wonder, what is this technology? How do I move around? What do I do first? The instructions may seem like they are obvious to the designer and the developer, but do you remember the first time you landed in an airport that was in a different city? Do you remember the first time you took a subway? It isn’t easy to interpret all of the 3D images. But, if you sit down for a second, take it all in, and turn on your wayfinding instincts, you’ll start to move around with your arrow keys and you’ll start figuring it all out. You have to figure out how to move your camera, since virtual worlds always give you the ability to look around and discover. Then, you’ll have to figure out how to communicate, talk to your teacher, your peers, and groups that you’ll unlikely be participating with in the virtual world experience. Well, like all first timers, relax, enjoy and get ready to learn in a new way.

We’ve been using 3D technologies to teach and learn. We teach at the University of Washington every Thursday night; and, we’ve been doing that for over a year and a half. We have taught Cisco, the DoD, Ernst and Young, Club One Fitness, NextIt, it goes on and on. And, we’ve developed the culture for using this environment so that it produces competencies and skills both in virtual worlds and in the expertise of the instruction. Come aboard, let’s chat. We’ve got lots of experience, and we’re willing to share it with you. It’s not about the database, it’s about the human race.